Our PDUs and power management solutions help you measure, monitor and control your IT equipment and power usage. We can help improve your uptime and energy efficiency while reducing your carbon footprint and operating costs.

We feature a large section of rack PDUs, single or 3 phase, basic, monitored, intelligent or switched that are backed by a global warranty. 


Basic PDU

We provide Basic PDUs for simple and reliable power distribution as a cost effective solutions for server and network racks. Basic PDUs are Rack Mountable (Zero U or 1U), include branch circuit protection and are offered in a variety of outlets and types. See our selection of Smart and intelligent PDUs.


Monitored PDU

Monitored PDUs measure the current and power at the strip and/or outlet level.  Additional features include environmental input options, such as rack temperature and humidity. Our PDUs can withstand up to 60oC ensuring availability even in the harsh environment at the back of the rack.


Intelligent & Switched PDUs

The intelligent PDU is a critical building block of the Smart IT Rack and the modern data center. IT managers use Intelligent PDUs to manage, monitor and track the power usage at the rack and at the server level. We offer Intelligent PDUs that monitor and control the power distribution (Amps, KW, KWH, V and more) up to the single outlet. Our PDUs are compatible with Raritan’s Power IQ and Server Technology’s Central software packages.


AC Power Cables

AC power cables certified to all international safety standards. A Selection of colors allows advanced management practices. Optional C13 and C19 locking cables prevent accidental power cord disconnects using an integrated locking system.


Power IQ – Power Monitoring

Power IQ Energy Management Software provides a centralized user configurable dashboard, capacity forecasting and utilization information, monitoring, graceful OS shutdown, outlet control, powerful thermal and energy analytics of your active power, costs, line capacities, carbon footprint and rack temperature. Trending reports and cumulative totals can be displayed at the data center, floor, room, rack, customer and IT device level.
